New Mastodon for iOS build on #TestFlight. Improved login screen, media upload progress and retry on failure, verified links on profiles, bookmarks, a more obvious account switcher, and other fixes.
@Gargron Youre a rockstar
@Gargron any plans on adding the local and federated timeline?
@Gargron Awesomeness. Will try it.
@Gargron Aah! For that I need the invite code, don’t I?!
@Gargron Can we expect a similar update for Android ?
@Gargron How does one receive a TestFlight invite?
@a2 @Gargron you should subscribe to their patreon to get TestFlight url
@Gargron hi! is the beta testing program open?
@nosuchuser @Gargron yep, by subscribing to the patreon you get TestFlight url
@nosuchuser nada contra doares o 1.5 USD para suportar a causa, mas se é pela app de iOS, ainda não é utilizável. Tem bom aspecto, promete, mas crasha a torto e a direito, não permite editar posts, nem o “delete & redraft” tem…
@pls é pela curiosidade mesmo
@Gargron I’d love to beta test and have experience with being a beta tester for several other iOS apps, big and small. :)
@thomasfuchs @Gargron oh, I see the beta is available in Patreon. Thanks!
@Gargron could I get in on that TestFlight?
@Gargron could I get an invite pretty please?
@Gargron Thank you for all your hard work!
@Gargron The ability to see pinned toots (and pin a toot), quote toot, edit toots and see hashtags you follow on iOS app! Thank you.
@Gargron how about hastag following? Embedded links?
@Gargron consider me interested.
@Gargron You and the team keep up the great work!
@Gargron can I get a TestFlight code to help beta test?
@Gargron down to beta test if needed.
@Gargron Hoping to see edit function on the app. : )
@Gargron how does one get in on this testflight
@dominic @Gargron you should subscribe to this patreon to get TestFlight url
@Gargron How do I test this?
@BillFairchild Download the TestFlight app on iOS then request a test link. That should do it. It’s been a minute since I’ve used TF app though
@chasenthehype Right I have test flight but where do I get the test link?
@BillFairchild Oh haha - maybe there’s a signup/email list on the Mastadon website? No DM here it seems
@Gargron Amazing! I’m always down to test some flights if needed.
@Gargron how to change a header photo, Sir? Please help
@solar hi, Solar! I’m still figuring this app out and I got an answer for a header photo. “Click on the account settings,then,click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and then click on the profile ,and down below you’ll see header” thanks to @cool_dude
@grietjn @cool_dude hmmm
Anyone know why: Account Settings > Current Password > then forces a p/w change before proceeding to see those “…” ?
@Gargron we need the federated timeline on Android
@Gargron looking forward to it! How about the ability to view your Local and Federated timelines in-app as well?
@jaymerryfield @Gargron Tusky does this for Android.
Same with Metatext on iOS… but I have an affinity for official apps, and I don’t think Metatext is being actively developed any longer. Still has its quirks.
@jaymerryfield I've heard good things about Toot on IOS.
@Gargron So you did this? I hope you're extremely proud.
@Gargron the thing that gets me is the “Load more posts” button. It should load more posts and keep you at your current position in the timeline. Instead it loads more posts and then seems to place you randomly within them. I have to memorize the last post I read before I hit the button, scroll down to it if I can find it, and then I can catch up. Frustrating.
@shadowbottle @Gargron I find that if I click Load More and then quickly back up a few posts, my position holds. YMMV
Nice work Eugen!
@Gargron How does one get said test flight build?
@Gargron Thank you. Is hashtag following on the to do list?
@Gargron sounds great! Looking forward to the update.