And this week's #Linux and #opensource news video is finally here!
In this one, we have confirmation that #Windows 11 sends data to third parties after a fresh install, without user consent, we have @fedora moving to Flathub in their next release, an AI tool that violates #FOSS licenses, @thunderbird sharing a roadmap and some interesting history, and @gnome Software getting some nice performance improvements:
And if you want the audio podcast instead, here it is!
You can follow it here: @tlenewspodcast
Or you can subscribe to its RSS feed, or on most podcast platforms, all links are in the podcast website!
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome @tlenewspodcast always looking for good podcasts that discuss #linux. Will put it in my queue!
I tried to follow a while back and I'm still listed as 'pending.' Did I do something wrong?
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome @tlenewspodcast Hello Nick! I've just registered in Mastodon and I like it!
@soupborsh @fedora @thunderbird @gnome @tlenewspodcast Glad you enjoy it!
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome c'est pas la même vidéo mais merci pour celle du NAS qui m'a donné envie de me pencher sur le sujet. Il semble effectivement qu'on peut faire pas mal de choses avec.
@wateros @fedora @thunderbird @gnome Content que ca ait pu aider!
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome what is benefits in using email clients over webmails? specially on desktop.
Just on the top of my mind:
- Mail encryption for all your accounts
- Offline work (no need to be constantly connected)
- Local backups
@modamin @thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome You can
Access your mail when offline
Use your own full text indexing software
Have greater assurance of confidentiality (offline mail cannot be hacked)
Reduce the carbon emissions associated with 24*7 cloud services
Guarantee immediate access
Save on hosting costs ($ or privacy)
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome (just an fyi) I tried downloading in #overcast. Got error: "SERVICE ERROR" Sorry, Overcast's sync serviced returned an Error"...
@happyday @fedora @thunderbird @gnome Weird, it should work, I think they accepted the RSS feed as is! I’ll try it :)
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome
I think that what is happening with Windows can still affect Linux users. First, we don't deside whit what we work an jobs most of the time. Second and more important, the privacy of others affect our personal privacy as soon as you can be linked to them. I don't know if companies goes that far in 2023 but once the data is breached it is not far-fetch at all that OSINT specialists use it that way.
@jacket @fedora @thunderbird @gnome True. Most workplaces don’t really give you a choice, unfortunately…
@thelinuxEXP How bothered should I be about Windows 11 sending pings to Steam? What's the relationship there? Is this data Valve has specifically requested?
As a HUGE proponent for gaming on Linux via Proton, and a Steam Deck owners....yea this bothers me.
@killyourfm @thelinuxEXP I was actually thinking about the same thing.
I was so surprised that I thought I was mistaken when I saw Steam being mentioned there. Has Valve released an official statement regarding this yet?
@ProfessorCode @thelinuxEXP I haven't seen anything official about this. Frankly, we need to pressure them into an answer.
@killyourfm @thelinuxEXP I was hoping they would address this soon.
Anyway, in light of this situation, someone should actually run Wireshark on Steam Deck and compare it to another Linux distro just to check.
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome love the audio podcasts!
@mostly_linux @fedora @thunderbird @gnome Glad you like them
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome
Thanks for the content Nick
@Wyatt @fedora @thunderbird @gnome You’re welcome!
@thelinuxEXP @fedora @thunderbird @gnome
The next version of windows will be Windows 84