How to transition from #Twitter to #Mastodon #blog #TwitterLeave #birdsite
(Sorry, previous toot had wrong url)
For those who see an SSL certificate problem, follow the link in http only:
(working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience)
Hopefully, the Certificate Security issue is solved by now. Let me know if it's not the case for you.
@xuv Your site is having encryption problems (wrong cert)?
@scroom Indeed. I've just come to realize this. Trying to solve this.
@scroom BTW, if you so through http only for now. It will work.
@samim @xuv Amen! It's an important first step to keep things from turning into a spammy ad-based slot machine, but we need to have a concept of social life that is way broader and less quantified.
Facebook's whole model seems based on a nerdy American high-school boy's simplistic conception of society. Friendships are binary and it's a contest to see who has more. Enthusiasm, as like, expressed in, you know, like, likes are like, the only thing you can like exchange.
@KnowPresent (something I replied to the same comments by @samim on the birdsite) There is definitely more to "open" and "distributed" in the Mastodon approach. I've not insisted much on this because I'm part of the very privileged in this field, but Mastodon has great tools to help in case of harassment and bullying. And it shows in terms of who did the move.
@xuv @samim Yeah I agree. For me, the internet is exciting again for the first time in a while thanks to projects like Mastodon (and the fact that everyone else seems to finally have become as grumpy as I am about corporate platforms and smart-phones). I get optimistic when I see that a lot of adults and weirdos (and I mean both in a very positive way) are trying to make systems for diverse modes of human communication and not for getting rich quick.
@xuv thanks for the heads up!
If you want to include more options on posting from Twitter to Mastodon and vice versa, there's @moa_party and also this extension: birdsite ( /
@renatolond @moa_party Well. Thanks for that great service you are proposing. It's really useful for a lot of people I know on Twitter. I might even try it to automatically retweet stuff from Twitter here. Might also make me slow down my stupid retweets if I know they will end up here.